Stigmatogaster souletina Brölemann, 1907
- Haplophilus souletinus Brölemann, 1907
- Nesoporogaster souletina (Brölemann, 1907)
- Nesoporogaster souletina brevior (Eason, 1962)
- GB IUCN status: Near Threatened
- GB rarity status: Nationally Rare
ID Difficulty
Stigmatogaster (formerly known as Haplophilus) are large (reaching 70 mm, or more, in length) yellowish-brown centipedes, recognised by the combination of a very large number of leg pairs and numerous coxal pores that are easily visible over the ventral and dorsal surfaces of the coxae of the last legs.
Stigmatogaster souletina is of the same general appearance as the common Stigmatogaster subterranea, but has more leg pairs (93 to 101 pairs). No other British or Irish centipede approaches this total.
More information to allow accurate identification is given in the published identification keys by Tony Barber (2008 & 2009).
First found by Ted Eason in 1960, since 1998 Stigmatogaster souletina has been found in a handful of sites in a small area of Cornwall (around Falmouth).
The few known sites are typically woodland or ornamental gardens. Specimens can be found under stones, deadwood and among leaf-litter.
This account is based on that in the 'Centipede Atlas' (Barber, 2022).
Barber, A.D. (2022) Atlas of the centipedes of Britain and Ireland. Telford, FSC Publications
ChiloBase 2.0 - World Catalogue of Centipedes: