Online information ~ Isopods

Online information

A number of publications (identification guides, distribution atlases, etc) of interest to British and Irish workers are publicly and freely available online.  A selection is listed below (also see 'Additional Resources'). 


Illustrated key to Woodlice of Berks, Bucks and Oxon

This identification guide (by Steve Gregory, 2019) includes all species of woodlouse known to occur in central southern England, so exclusively coastal species and those only found further north are not included ~ download pdf here


Modern County Distribution Atlases


  • Modern Atlas of Nottinghamshire Woodlice  ~ latest version (currently v4, 2023) view here & download pdf (at bottom of article)


Early Species Distribution Atlases

Atlases covering Britain and Ireland

Several earlier atlases are available online as scanned pdf files.

  • Woodlice in Britain and Ireland: distribution and habitat (Harding & Sutton, 1985). 151pp. ~ download pdf here
  • Provisional atlas of the crustacea of the British Isles. Part 1 Isopoda: Oniscoidea - Woodlice. (Harding, 1976). 50pp. ~ download pdf here
  • Distribution Atlas of Woodlice in Ireland (Doogue & Harding, 1982). 84pp ~ download pdf here

Local or County Atlases


The Woodlice of France, The Netherlands and Belgium

Information for those who wish to expand their woodlousing into continental Europe. 

Faune de France

Many of the earlier volumes of the Fauna de France series are now available online to download free in pdf format. The complete list can be found at:

This includes:

Key to the woodlice of Northern France

Noël & Séchet (2021): A fully illustrated key to the identification of the 69 species of woodlice known in Northern France can be downloaded free online. It includes all native and naturalised woodlice known to occur in Britain and Ireland, except Metatrichonicoides celticus, and several that could eventually make it across The Channel. The text is in French but the 93 colour figures help make it accessible to all.


These sites include images of British, and additional, species and links to papers (some in English) relevant to our UK fauna:

Cloporteweb (text in French);  Woodlice of the Netherlands (in Dutch) and Spinicornis ~ The Belgian Woodlouse Working Group 


World Catalog (checklist) and Bibliography of Woodlice (Isopoda: Oniscidea)

The two PDF-files are available for download of the following hard-copy publications:

SCHMALFUSS, H. (2003): World catalog of terrestrial isopods (Isopoda: Oniscidea). – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie A, Nr. 654: 341 pp.; Stuttgart. (A list of all then known species of Woodlouse)

Download world catalog here 

SCHMALFUSS, H. & WOLF-SCHWENNINGER, K. (2002): A bibliography of terrestrial isopods (Crustacea, Isopoda, Oniscidea). – Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, Serie A, Nr. 639: 120 pp.; Stuttgart. (A list of all key woodlouse literature)

Download updated (2004) bibliography here

Note: The current World list of Isopoda (including woodlice and waterlice) is is maintained by the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History -


American Isopod and Myriapod Group

The American Isopod and Myriapod Group (AIMG) was founded in October 2022 and covers all species of Isopoda (terrestrial, freshwater and marine) occurring across North and Central America. The website is still under development but their intention is to undertake a similar role to that of BMIG on the 'other side of the pond' (aka Britain and Ireland).