The Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group (ISSN 0267-2154) is published by British Myriapod & Isopod Group.
c/o H.J. Read, 2 Egypt Wood Cottages, Egypt Lane, Farnham Common, Bucks, SL2 3LE, UK.
In 2015 it was decided to publish the Bulletin of the British Myriapod and Isopod Group online via the BMIG website. Current and all back issues can be downloaded free of charge as a pdf. To download the complete click on the link at the end of the list of Bulletin contents. Copies of individual articles may be downloaded be clicking the relavent link within the contents listing.
Back Numbers
Prior to 2001 the Bulletin was published in two forms, Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group and Isopoda. These early volumes can be downloaded as a pdf.
Hard copies of more recent back numbers are obtainable from P. Harding, 60 Boxworth Road, Elsworth, Cambridge, CB3 8JQ. E-mail contact here
Instructions for Authors
Submission & Publication Dates
All articles should be submitted by 1st February for inclusion in that year’s Bulletin. Late items may be included subject to the editors’ discretion.
The publication date is anticipated to be 1st June each year, the editors do not guarantee this and reserve the right to miss a year if copy is lacking.
Submitting Manuscripts - General
The editors are:
H.J. Read (Millipedes) Email contact here
A.D. Barber (Centipedes) Email contact here
S.J. Gregory (Terrestrial, Freshwater and Intertial Isopods) Email contact here
The Bulletin accepts manuscripts on any aspect of myriapods or isopods. Items should be about British species, or likely to be of interest to British workers. Comparisons of British fauna and that of other European countries would be welcome.
Manuscripts should be submitted to the appropriate editor, preferably on disk or via email and ideally in a format compatible with MS Word. Manuscripts can also be submitted on paper.
Submitting Manuscripts - Layout and Format
Please consult previous editions for layout and format of references and submit items as close to this as possible. Editors may return items for reformatting if they do not conform to the house style.
There is no page limit, but for large items please check with an editor before submission. Short notes of a few paragraphs can be submitted for the ‘Miscellanea’ section.
Figures should be in black ink and clearly drawn. They should be of a size that can be reduced to fit on an A4 page. Originals or good quality copies should be submitted with the text. Figures can also be submitted electronically but originals may be requested if electronic versions are not of suitable quality. Please contact one of the editors regarding reproduction of photographs and also reproduction of figures in colour.
References should follow the format of recent issues, standard abbreviations for journal titles should be used (or the full title of the journal). Layout should be as in recent editions of the Bulletin; the following are examples:
Eason, E. H., (1964) Centipedes of the British Isles. London: Warne.
Blower, J.G. (1985) Millipedes. Synopses of the British Fauna (New Series) No. 35. London: (Linnean Society) E.J. Brill & Dr W. Backhouse.
Eason, E. H. & Serra, A., (1986) On the geographical distribution of Lithobius variegatus Leach, 1814, and the identity of Lithobius rubriceps Newport, 1845 (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha). J. nat. Hist. 20: 23-29.
Barber, A. D., (2000) The British species of Cryptops. Bulletin of the British Myriapod Group 16: 30-35.
Reviewing and Printing
All manuscripts will be peer reviewed. The editors reserve the right to hold article over for a future year and may decide not to produce a Bulletin in years where there is insufficient copy.
Every effort is made to send proofs to authors for checking but this cannot be guaranteed for late submitted articles.
No reprints are available but authors will receive a pdf file of their article.
Please contact one of the editors for further details, specimen copies of the Bulletin or any queries.