Stenotaenia linearis (C.L. Koch, 1835)


Clinopodes linearis (C.L.Koch, 1835)


  • GB IUCN status: Not applicable (non-native)
  • GB rarity status: Naturalised

ID Difficulty


Stenotaenia linearis is a large yellowish species (to 55 mm length), with a large number of leg pairs (63 to 79) and therefore easily overlooked / misidentified as the common Stigmatogaster subterranea

However, the forciples of S. linearis are of a distinctive shape and the coxal pores of the last legs are very indistinct and difficult to see (many very obvious coxal pores in H. subterraneus)

More information to allow accurate identification is given in the published identification keys (Barber, 2008 & 2009).

Andy Keay
Andy Keay
Keith Lugg


Stenotaenia linearis appears to be widespread in the home counties, but there are scattered outdoor records from Cornwall to Northumberland. It has also been recorded inside glasshouses at RBG Edinburgh. It has not been recorded from Ireland. 


It is often associated with human activity, such as gardens and churchyards, where it is usually found beneath stones and dead wood. 

This account is based on the 'Centipede Atlas' (Barber, 2022).

BRC code


