Species of the Moment

British Myriapod and Isopod Group (BMIG)
Aims to improve awareness and knowledge of centipedes, millipedes, pauropods & symphylans (the Myriapoda) and woodlice, waterlice & intertidal isopods (the Isopoda) in Britain and Ireland.
Recording Schemes
The group is responsible for four National Recording Schemes: 1) centipedes; 2) millipedes; 3) woodlice & waterlice (which includes the terrestrial landhopper); and 4) intertidal marine isopods.
Species information
There is a page for each British and Irish species of centipede, millipede, woodlouse & waterlouse (including the terrestrial landhopper) and intertidal marine isopod. This includes a brief account for each species, including distribution map, images, and identification hints.
The addition of pages for pauropods and symphylans is ongoing.
The BMIG Newsletter is produced twice a year and the more formal BMIG Bulletin is published annually. Submission of articles likely to be of interest to British and Irish workers is encouraged.
Field Meetings
We hold an annual field meeting. All are welcome, beginners and experts alike. See Bursaries below.
BMIG Bursaries
BMIG Bursaries have been introduced to help towards the costs of attending the annual field meetings. More information here.
Why not join us? Membership is free. Please complete the online application form.
Latest BMIG News
2025 Annual Field Meeting & AGM ~ will be based in Hertfordshire ~ More details and Booking Form can be found here.
Bulletin 36 (2024) ~ Now published. Articles includes two woodlice new to Britain and an update to Woodlice & Waterlice in Britain & Ireland. View or download pdf from your Resources page.
Newsletter 48 (Spring 2024) ~ Now available ~ View or download pdf from your Resources page.
Tony Barber's Atlas of British & Irish Centipedes (2022) now available to purchase ~ see Resources page for more information.
Atlas of European Millipedes, Volume 3: Order Chordeumatida (2021) ~ Now published ~ View or download as pdf here.
Marine (Intertidal) Isopod Recording Scheme ~ now revitalised and up and running ~ Details here. Do collect specimens while on holiday!
Review of conservation status published (2015) ~ centipedes, millipedes & woodlice ~ Download from your Conservation page
Quick Links
The BMIG Taxa - A brief Introduction Surveying Methods - A brief Introduction
Guide to species identification - View or download 2011 CD ROM as pdf
Centipedes ~ British & Irish Species Pauropods ~ British & Irish Species
~ Recording Scheme [work in progress]