Porcellionides sexfasciatus (Budde-Lund, 1885)


Metoponorthus sexfasciatus


GB IUCN status: Not applicable (non-native)

ID Difficulty


Porcellionides sexfasciatus  has a characteristic grey bloom (as seen in Porcellionides pruinosus) but the female bears a number of dark longitudinal dorsal stripes. The body has a stepped outline and it is capable of very rapid movement, the antennal flagella comprising two segments and with two pairs of pleopodal lungs.

A brief description, with figures, is provided by Gregory, Lugg & Harding-Morris (2021).

Keith Lugg
Keith Lugg
Finley Hutchinson


Porcellionides sexfasciatus is only known from Eden Project (Mediterranean Biome), Cornwall, where it was first found in 2018, but its identity was not confirmed until additional specimens were collected in 2020.


Specimens were found under loose stones in dry situations, with no other species of woodlouse present. 

This woodlouse originates from the western Mediterranean, mainly in coastal habitats, but occurs as an introduction elsewhere.

This account is based on Gregory, Lugg & Harding-Morris (2021).

BRC code

