BMIG Newsletter


BMIG Newsletter 9 (Autumn 2004)

Contents: BMIG business; BMIG Bulletin; Trachysphaera lobata threatened with extinction; Geophilus easoni and G. carpophagus: the situation outside Britain; BMIG Library; BMIG Expedition to Galicia 2004 – a preliminary woodlouse report; Expedition to Galicia - a preliminary millipede report; BMIG Reference Collection; Use of domestic blower-vac machines.

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BMIG Newsletter 10 (Spring 2005)

Contents: BMIG business; AGM notice and a proposed change to the By-laws; Sheffield street safari; XIIth International Congress of Myriapodology, Bergen, Norway, 2005; An update on Trachysphaera lobata; 6th International Crustacean Congress, Glasgow University, July 2005; Of isopods and Hollywood stars, the measure of sexual selection; Porcellio spinicornis in Western Scotland; BMIG Expedition to Galicia 2004 – a preliminary centipede report; A possible new British species from Kew; The Woodlice of Gibraltar; Defles

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BMIG Newsletter 11 (Autumn 2005)

Contents: BMIG business; Myriapods from the Eden Project, Cornwall; A definite new British species (Cylindrodesmus hirsutus) from Kew (and Sheffield); The triumphs of Porcellio scaber; A further update on Trachysphaera; BMIG meeting 2005 in Durham; a new girl’s view; Millipedes from Durham; A Polydesmus hot spot in Suffolk; In the journals. 

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BMIG Newsletter 12 (Spring 2006)

Contents: BMIG business; Update on Adenomeris gibbosa; AGM notice; Ayr meeting April 2006; Equipment and chemicals for Myriapodologists; The myriapod papers of F.A.Turk and of S.W. Rolfe; Armadillidium pictum at Tarren yr Esgob, Breconshire; Area Organisers (AO); The World List of Isopods; In the journals.

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BMIG Newsletter 14 (Spring 2007)

Contents: Steve Hopkin 1956-2006; BMIG business; A New Woodlice Atlas – records please!; Millipede Atlas; An aberrant xanthochroistic Philoscia muscorum; Plea for Haplophthalmus, Trichoniscoides and Trichoniscus specimens; Centipedes from the Eden Project; Armadillidium pulchellum new to East Anglia; Some woodlice recorded from Hungary by BMG; The Biology of Centipedes by JGE Lewis; International Congress of Myriapodology 2008; Autumn meeting 2007, Oban area, Argyll; Myriapod and Isopod course.

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BMIG Newsletter 15 (Autumn 2007)

Contents: BMIG business; 2008 BMIG AGM and Field Weekend; BUGS BRITANNICA: Searching for stories about man and woodlice; Trachysphaera in South Wales; The genetics of Diplopoda and Isopoda of British caves;  Record of Cylindroiulus caeruleocinctus in South Yorkshire; Myriapod Memoranda Volume 10; Swarming millipedes 1, 2, 3 and a response; Ommatoiulus sabulosus in south Hampshire.

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BMIG Newsletter 16 (Spring 2008)

Contents:  2008 BMIG AGM and Field Weekend; Geophilus fucorum/fucorum seurati/algarum - Data needed; Progress report of Woodlouse and Water-slater Atlas; Henia brevis/Chaetechelyne montana oblongocribellata - Data needed; Woodlice and millipedes in Wood Ant nests;  More swarming millipedes; XIVth International Congress of Myriapodology in Görlitz 2008; Oban field meeting Autumn 2007.

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