Geophilus easoni Arthur, Foddai, Kettle, Lewis, Luczynski & Minelli, 2001


Geophilus carpophagus 'short form' of Eason, 1964       


GB IUCN status: Least Concern

ID Difficulty


Ten species of Geophilus are known from Britain and Ireland. 

Geophilus easoni is a uniformly chestnut brown centipede, which is smaller (to 40 mm body length) and has fewer legs pairs (47 to 51) than the superficially similar G. carpophagus s.str.  Both species have characteristic reddish oval carpophagus fossae on the anterior sternites.

Only recently have the two been considered to be separate species (Arthur et al., 2001) and most pre-2001 records of G. carpophagus probably refer to G. easoni

More information to allow accurate identification is given in the published identification keys by Tony Barber (2008 & 2009).

J.P. Richards
J.P. Richards
Keith Lugg
Steve Gregory
Steve Gregory
Nicola Garnham
Dawid Martyniuk


Geophilus easoni is common throughout Britain and Ireland (although not recorded from Shetland). 


Unlike G. carpophagus s.str., this is a ground dwelling species that occurs under stones and dead wood typically in rural woodland, moorland, etc.  Some notes on habitat preferences of this species are given in Arthur etal. (2002).

This account is based on the 'Centipede Atlas' (Barber, 2022).


Arthur, W., Foddai, D., Kettle, C., Lewis, J. G. E., Luczynski, M. & Minelli, A. (2001) Analysis of segment number and enzyme variation in a centipede reveals a cryptic species, Geophilus easoni sp. nov., and raises questions about speciation. Biol. J. Linn. Soc.74:489-499.

BRC code


